
The Transition vision includes cooperative efforts on all fronts:

A growing sense of community in every neighborhood

A growing sense of community in our town

A health care center making affordable care available to all

Growing access to locally farmed fresh foods

Development of a local community garden

A local economy that finds innovative ways to support local businesses

Education and support for increasing green energy technology

Free classes for learning skills together, such as canning, sewing, gardening

And so much more...

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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Re: Reusable bag initiative in Larchmont

Bag It film in Larchmont. March 9, 10, 11
At Mamaroneck Public Library. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 12, 2013, at 9:04 PM, Lori Krane <lkrane@optonline.net> wrote:

Please forward this to our groups, if you haven't already.






From: Village of Larchmont Committee on the Environment [mailto:larchenvirocom@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 1:04 PM
To: lkrane@optonline.net
Subject: Reusable bag initiative in Larchmont



Bag It

dates and times...

Village of Larchmont

Saturday March 9 

at 2 PM (refreshments) followed by the film at 2:30 

Town Center (Larchmont Public Library Community Room)


Stay afterward for a  

Q & A session with Patti Wood of Grassroots Environmental and a reuseable bag giveaway.


Village of Mamaroneck

Sunday March 10  

at 2 PM

Mamaroneck Public Library


Mayor Norman Rosenblum and Trustee Ilissa Miller will answer questions about the new law. Refreshments will be served; reusable bag giveaway after the film. 


Town of Mamaroneck

Monday March 11 

at 7 PM 

Mamaroneck Town Center (740 W. Boston Post Rd, Mamaroneck) Conference Room C








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Should We Limit Plastic Bags in Larchmont and Mamaroneck?


Save the date, be informed:

See the documentary Bag It on March 9, 10, and 11 



An estimated 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags are used worldwide every year--380 billion of those in the United States.

And every year, Americans throw away some 100 billion plastic bags--bags that perhaps only carried home a prescription from the pharmacy or a quart of milk from the grocery store. Plastic bags are made from petroleum, so trashing them is equivalent to dumping nearly 12 million barrels of oil. Plastic bags do not go away; they do not biodegrade. Recycling them is literally not worth the cost: "$4,000 to process and recycle one ton of plastic bags, which can then be sold on the commodities market for $32," says Jared Blumenfeld, director of San Francisco's Department of the Environment.

That's why Larchmont is considering joining Rye and the Village of Mamaroneck, which have passed plastic bag phase-out ordinances. Come see this funny and illuminating documentary at three screenings in our tri-municipality. Stick around afterward for Q & A's with experts.

For more on

Bag It, click here.












Forward email

Larchmont-Mamaroneck Sustainability Expo | 120 Larchmont Avenue | Larchmont | NY | 10538


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What is a Transition Town?

Transition Towns across the globe are quickly addressing the reality of Climate Change, Peak Oil and Economic Decline with creative and positive solutions.
There are over 400 globally and over 106 in the USA.
In the US Transition Westchester is the 106th initiative.
Transition Towns avoid fear based rhetoric, they are committed folks who want to ensure a hopeful and optimistic future for our kids.
Transition Towns are made of dedicated groups of citizens focusing on the life support systems of a community: Food, energy, economy, community
Transition Towns also focus on the arts, music, play and the fun parts of life that create tightly knit societies founded on harmony and trust.